Friday, May 8, 2009

Mind Boggling

The Sequel

By Njeri Mucheru-Oyatta

Chapter 30


After awareness of the truth comes crucifixion.


The next step for me now is to stop creating vices.


Stop the indifference, stop the independence, stop the desire, stop the anger, stop the frustration, just stop creating vices.


But if I don’t create vices, what else is there to do?


Stop creating vices. Be content with everything. Let nothing move you. It’s an illusion anyway. Do not accept any abnormality in your life. Stop living with what you don’t believe in. Change it.


Make it your life’s purpose to welcome the experience of unconditional love into your life by just being yourself, your real, true, unpolluted self always. Dig deep into your belief system and find what you truly believe in and live that. Never doubt yourself.


Spend as much time as you can alone in silence contemplating and documenting your experience with the truth because you know what? The truth will set you free! The truth of who you are is the tree of life. Seek it and you shall find it.


Today is Thursday, April 09, 2009. Here I go.


Mind Boggling

The Sequel

By Njeri Mucheru-Oyatta


Chapter 29


There is only one way out of life. We all know it. Yes, it’s death.


Death of a human being is not what I am talking about. People die all the time but it’s all an illusion. Death of a human being is merely a transformation into another life. Nothing else.


Real death is when the element of unconditional love experiences itself.


The purpose of life is to make manifest unconditional love in the human body. Once this has been achieved, eternal life occurs.


Mind Boggling

The Sequel

By Njeri Mucheru-Oyatta


Chapter 28


Once you also realize that the lives that others live in this world are also of their own making, when you reach out to help them, your approach will not be condescending. Instead of giving them your way out of the situation, you will give them an opportunity to get themselves out of the situation.


Love has never been anything but tough. Tough is when you take it upon yourself to get yourself and others out of a mad situation permanently.


We (individually and collectively) are the cause of everything that occurs in this world.


It is time that humanity took responsibility for its condition. It is time that each one of us took responsibility for our lives.


So much pain has been caused in the world on account of the refusal by humanity to respond sensibly to life’s challenges that we need to do something to change that collective and individual attitude urgently.


The change can only start with our belief system and nowhere else. The change will come one day. Don’t you wish it could come in your life time? Or what does it matter, we will all die anyway, won’t we?


No. If we do make the change, we can live much longer than we imagine. We can live for as long as we want to; for eternity.


Mind Boggling

The Sequel

By Njeri Mucheru-Oyatta


Chapter 27


The point am making is this.


That we, each one of us and all of us together, decide what we want to believe and it is our beliefs that govern how we deal with our lives and manage the events and experiences we encounter.


If you believe that you are a victim of life and never wanted to be born in the first place and you hate everything around you, how can such a belief get you anywhere unless you just want to have the most miserable life ever?


If you accept that the truth is hidden from you and everything in your life is God’s mysterious will, you will be left with an empty hole inside you that no amount of prayer, meditation, going to church or whatever other spiritual practices you adopt will ever fill.


The sooner you realize that your life is your own and everything that happens to you is of your own making, you can handle anything that comes your way because you will approach each event not with the question of why it was done to you but with the question of why you did it to yourself.


It is only when you direct the responsibility for the situation that you find yourself in to yourself that you can then find the true answer for its occurrence and the way out of the situation; after all, it is your situation, only you can get yourself out of it!


Mind Boggling

The Sequel

By Njeri Mucheru-Oyatta


Chapter 26


So the truth is that I had already lost my belief in unconditional love even before I was born. The only real thing that exists is unconditional love. Once you lose your belief in unconditional love, you enter into the world of illusion.


I lost my belief in unconditional love when I exercised my free will and created this life that I am living. I came here to experience myself and God and thus manifest the real me in the human body.


Everything that I have experienced in this life, no matter how horrid (the beatings were definitely not the worst of it), is good and is intended to achieve my life’s purpose. My light can only shine in darkness. Love can only be experienced in a selfish world.


Nothing has happened to me. Like God, in whose image I am created, I am the same always and forever. Never changing. The body I live in is an illusion; it is not me. All the pain and hurt and all the happiness and laughter in this world is unreal.


I know it appears so simplistic and irrational to dismiss all the pain and hurt experienced in the world by saying that it is not real. Well, the truth hurts. Capitalizing on all the pain and hurt in the world is what keeps us deluded and even worse, is what makes us exploit and get exploited. If it did not matter that anyone was suffering and everyone, no matter how dire their stakes are, was directed to get themselves out of their own mess, wouldn’t we have a better world?


Humanity is greater and more powerful than we imagine. The lower than low standards we have set for ourselves are what should be appalling.


But of course, believing in unconditional love and believing that nothing is real in this world is the height of foolishness. Right?


Mind Boggling

The Sequel

By Njeri Mucheru-Oyatta

Chapter 25


The process of creation is infinite.


Once a human being begins to create vices, the process of creating vices continues infinitely until the grace of God interrupts this process by planting a seed of realization or awareness into the person.


Until you become aware that life is really an illusion, you will continue creating vices infinitely imagining that you cannot survive without them.


Once you realize that life is an illusion and you have fallen short of the glory of God by creating vices, you also realize that the only way to find the glory of God is to be crucified.


Crucifixion here does not mean literally being whipped and nailed to a cross with a crown of thorns on your head. It means a cleansing of the vices that you have created which prevent you from experiencing unconditional love.


The crucifixion of Jesus represents the process of letting go of your vices and allowing yourself to experience unconditional love. This is no easy process.


Mind Boggling

The Sequel

By Njeri Mucheru-Oyatta


Chapter 24


The creation of vices is the means by which we lose ourselves. Vices are instruments of delusion. God created selfishness, the greatest vice of all for the purpose of starting the process of delusion. The process of delusion is a vital part of life. Without it, the purpose of life cannot be realized.


God is love and the devil is selfishness. It is only in a world driven by selfishness that love can be recognized.


The forbidden fruit which Adam and Eve ate and which caused them to fall from Grace was desire. Eve, when prompted by selfishness, created the vice of desire and showed Adam how to create it. Once desire had been unleashed, fear followed and there was no turning back. All that happened in the Garden of Eden was intentional and it was good.


It was God’s will that man should lose himself in the world of vices. Only then could man understand who he was and know God. Adam and Eve never literally left the Garden of Eden. We are still in the Garden of Eden and God is still here with us. But, once desire was created, we lost our belief in unconditional love and moved from light to darkness.


Eden became Hades.


Mind Boggling

The Sequel

By Njeri Mucheru-Oyatta


Chapter 23


God is the experience of unconditional love whereas I am an experience of unconditional love.


An experience cannot experience itself within itself. We create life so that we can experience ourselves and God. The purpose of life, my life’s purpose, your life’s purpose, is to make manifest unconditional love in the human body individually and collectively.


Free will does not start at birth. It starts from before we are born. We have the freedom, granted to us by God, to create our own lives for the purpose of experiencing ourselves (individually) and God (collectively). In realizing ourselves collectively as experiences of unconditional love, we experience God.


In order to experience ourselves and God, we need to lose ourselves in a world of illusion and then find ourselves. It is in finding ourselves that the experience of what we are can be realized. If we do not lose ourselves, we can never experience ourselves.


It is only in darkness that light can be experienced. Light cannot be experienced within light. So light must create darkness in order to experience itself.


Mind Boggling

The Sequel

By Njeri Mucheru-Oyatta


Chapter 22


I am unable to identify with the life that I am living and accept it as the life that I was born to live. This life that I am living could very well be the life that I was born to live. I just don’t know and I honestly don’t think it is.


Nothing I do in life feels real to me. Everything is so perishable. I am tired of this cover-up game of creating vices and juggling them around to suit every situation.


Through the awakening of my kundalini, I have realized that there exists a place where all the madness of life comes to an end; where no vices are needed for survival; a timeless, ageless place.


That place is not out there somewhere and I don’t have to die to experience it. It is within my mind’s reach. I just need to be able to make that change of perception that will get me there.


I can almost taste it already.


Mind Boggling

The Sequel

By Njeri Mucheru-Oyatta


Chapter 21


Striving for goodness is the biggest challenge anyone faces in life.


It’s so easy when you find yourself in a den of thieves, to yourself become a thief than to insist on earning an honest living. In a corrupt society like the one I live in, not being corrupt makes you a pariah! But what’s even worse is when outsiders take a moral high ground and heap everyone, including you, the pariah, all together into one group labeled ‘the corrupt’.


It’s fully understandable that when this happens, the pariah will cry out for recognition and praise seeking to be set apart from the corrupt majority. It is the height of injustice to enforce a law which risks punishing an innocent man for a crime he has not committed in order to ensure that no guilty man goes free.


The question is; who in this world is not innocent? Didn’t we all come into this world as little helpless babes at the mercy of those who were here to meet us at birth? Is there a person in this world who does not experience any suffering?


In the world as it is today, suffering is to life as life is to death. Suffering being a way of life is wrong. It can’t be normal. No-one needs to suffer. Life is meant to be wonderful. Why can’t we make it that way? Are we not the ones who have made it this way?


Mind Boggling

The Sequel

By Njeri Mucheru-Oyatta


Chapter 20


To me, nothing belongs to anyone. If you can do without it, then it’s not truly yours. It truly belongs to the one who cannot do without it.


There is no such thing as stealing if nothing belongs to anyone. To me, the sinful act is hoarding. You must not keep away from others that which you do not need.


So giving, to me, is when you graciously allow an undeserving other, to take something away from you which you perceive as belonging to you. This is true giving. It is a painful experience when your neighbour, to whom you gladly sold a piece of land, later on denies you access to the land to take away your property which you had left there on the understanding, which had been made quite clear, or should have been very obvious, that you sold only the land and not what is on it! If you let the property go and bless your neighbour, you are a true giver.


I don’t consider myself a giving person any more. Meeting this heightened goal post of graciously giving to those who we perceive as undeserving of what we don’t need is an uphill task even for the best of us.


Mind Boggling

The Sequel

By Njeri Mucheru-Oyatta


Chapter 19


My giving nature has not changed but my definition of giving has.


I am a Rotarian. The motto that guides Rotarians is ‘service above self’. Through my club, I give some of my time and other resources towards improving the lives of our communities. Being a Rotarian requires me to follow the ‘four way test’ in everything that I do. The ‘four way test’ states that:


‘Of the things you think, say or do: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Does it build goodwill and better friendships? Is it beneficial to all concerned?’ In other words: in everything, love your neighbour as yourself.


I have always thought that the ‘four way test’ is such a noble and beautiful principle to live by. Rotary has no affiliation with any religious or political grouping. It is open to everyone who wishes to live by the ‘four way test’.


I have come to believe that real giving is not when you take something you perceive as belonging to you and voluntarily hand it over to someone else out of the goodness of your heart. No, this is not really giving.


Mind Boggling

The Sequel

By Njeri Mucheru-Oyatta


Chapter 18


I have been exploring the teachings of meditation and I am at the stage now where I am trying to find the meditation technique that works for me.


I am certain that the Buddhist teaching of analytical and placement meditation (which I found on the web-site: applies to me.


Analytical meditation is when you contemplate the meaning of something that you feel strongly about until you reach a particular conclusion about it or you cause a supreme understanding of that thing to arise in you.


Once the conclusion or supreme understanding has arisen, you focus on that particular conclusion or supreme understanding and concentrate on it. This focused concentration is placement meditation.


I feel very strongly about my life’s purpose and even more strongly about my death. I find myself many times thinking deeply about these things. Eventually some supreme understanding pops into my mind and I grab onto it and think about it even more deeply until it becomes a part of me. This happens best when I am writing. It happened a lot while I was writing about my thoughts about my life in my first blog which is the time during which I experienced the ‘awakening of my kundalini.’


Hence this Sequel.


Mind Boggling

The Sequel

By Njeri Mucheru-Oyatta


Chapter 17


My Christianity was always imaginary and not hands on because I did not think that what is taught of those great prophets and teachers in the Bible, in particular Jesus, can be achieved by sinful, ordinary men and women.


Siddha Yoga on the other hand teaches that the great Yogis (who include Jesus Christ) can teach ordinary men and women how to achieve the same (if not greater) greatness as they themselves have achieved.


I have experienced something similar to the awakening of my kundalini. It was such a weird experience that I did not believe it happened although I know that it did. I felt the sensation of something rising from the base of my spine to the crown of my head where there was this brilliant white light. This is not the first weird experience I have had but this was by far the weirdest and most real. For the daughter of a mentally ill mother, such experiences can be frightening. It was therefore a huge relief to be introduced to Siddha Yoga and find books and people discussing such an experience as common and real.


Now that I know that the experience I had was probably not the beginning of mental illness, I’d like to know why I had that experience, what it meant and most of all, how I can get to experience it again.


Mind Boggling

The Sequel

By Njeri Mucheru-Oyatta


Chapter 16


After I stopped going to church, I floated around wondering where to find direction. I found some direction in the teachings of Siddha Yoga, introduced to me by a good friend of mine and also a soul searcher like me.


I was intrigued by the teachings about Gurus and how they enter our lives and purify us and awaken our inner power. A Guru is the grace bestowing power of God which gives us what is referred to as shaktipat. This teaching is similar to the Christian teaching of the Holy Spirit descending on us from above. The divine power that resides within all of us is referred to as kundalini. It is said to be located at the base of the spine coiled up like a snake longing to unfold and bestow its blessings upon us.


What your kundalini is waiting for in order to be awakened is the Grace of God. The awakening of the kundalini is a gift. The gift is received by those who ask for it. Ask and it shall be given unto you. Asking for the gift is not just by words but by your deeds. You must have a real yearning for the gift and God will see this in your heart. Spiritual practices like meditation, chanting, fasting, selfless service and trying as much as possible to be virtuous will most likely qualify you for the gift. However, even those who do not undertake these spiritual practices  can receive the gift.


This is entirely God’s domain and not ours.

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